Monday, January 11, 2010

Pass the Prayer, please

Today is my first day to attend a woman's small group/bible study at our church. I received an email from the group's leader welcoming me to the group and she included a short rundown of what we will do the first day. She says we will read the introduction of the book we will be studying, watch a short video, spend some time in prayer and catch up on each other's lives. Wait, spend some time in prayer? What exactly does she mean by that? Will I have to pray out loud? Hello, my name is Kasey and I have prayer anxiety. I know I am not alone in having a problem with praying aloud. Patty's funny story about being at parents day at a bible camp where Lindsey and her cousin were attending, comes to mind. When they gathered in a group to pray before leaving the girls, and the camp counselor asked Mike to offer the prayer he said "I pass".

I often wonder what would happen if I am asked to lead a group in prayer. "Kasey, will you lead us in the prayer?", do you mean a Hail Mary?, a Bless us oh Lord for these thy gifts?, the standard Our Father? Because I am/was a Catholic. I have long since left the church and now attend church of another faith, but when you go to Catholic church and Catholic schools, I guess you never shed the Catholic in you. We didn't "just pray" growing up. When the priest said let us pray....he read from what I assumed was the "Priest's book of Prayers", you know the one held open by the altar boy. So my dilemma anytime I am in a group situation that involves the Bible, I get a gut twisting feeling until it is determined who will lead the opening prayer and who will close. Hmmm, that would mean I have that twisted feeling for the majority of our time together.

Maybe I should have given my decision to join a group of women I barely know, that will expect praying, a little more thought. I should have asked more questions such as... What book will we be studying?, Will I have to pray out loud?, How long is the class? Um, yes ma'am I did ask if you would have to pray out loud, I mean not you, but me, uh, never mind......Why does her voice, in my head, sound like Charlie Brown's teacher?

Maybe there's a Dummies Guide to Leading the Prayer available at the book store. It will have suggestions like how to begin your prayer, the dos and don'ts of a good prayer or maybe what all good prayers contain. I don't know. Do you approach prayer like an essay, with an introduction, body and closing? Will I have to present opposing views? I will have to check into that.

In the meantime, I will attend the bible study today and pray (to myself, of course) that I am not that person who gets the calling to lead us in prayer and all I can say is "I pass."


  1. I hope you made it through prayer time...I bet you found all the right words and they didn't include "I pass".

  2. Actually, we discussed the prayer time. Some wanted each person to pray (there were 9 of us), others wanted one person to offer the prayer after we all made our concerns known. I thought we decided on the one person route, but then when she finished (without an Amen) we had an uncomfortable few minutes of silence and then another woman picked up the prayer....I was feeling the perspiration prickling, but she ended her prayer with an Amen....and I ended it with a huge sigh of relief!

  3. I have never been one for the job of offering the prayer. I don't feel comfortable speaking in a group setting anyway, but something as personal as prayer? I know the exact feeling of stomach clenched, prickly sweat..please don't ask me...please.
    However I did have good laugh (as did Mike) when I relived that moment at camp so many years ago. I also believe at that moment I immediately though oh no...don't ask me now!
