Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A Hoodie Hoo to February

I don't know why I can't seem to get a blog written lately. I have tried several times and then left them as drafts. At one point I had three drafts. I deleted all of them one by one. They seemed too depressing. Even though I have said in earlier blogs how depressing February is, I am not ready to give into it.

Amber, Adam and Teagan are planning a visit next weekend and I cannot wait to see them. It seems like forever since they were here and seeing Teagan on the videocam (though better than nothing) just isn't the same. There is just something about holding a baby and breathing in their baby smell that is joyful.

Their visit is right before my scheduled surgery. I have had several people comment on my calmness and acceptance of that quickly approaching event. I guess it could be I am in denial, but I don't think so. This may sound like a testimonial of sorts, even though I have never given one that I know of, but I think the prayers that are being offered up for me are providing that peace. I know I am doing the right thing. I have actually tried to dwell on it and worry about it, but I can't. My mind will not let me sit and worry about it. I know that God's hand is working there and it is such an awesome I don't think I have ever experienced.

There have been times when I have looked back on something and realized later that God had worked His plan in it. I don't think I have ever been right there, right in the middle of a trying time and felt peace with it. I am so grateful for all those who are praying for me at this time. It has been a true blessing in my life.

Did you know there is a holiday in February called Hoodie-Hoo Day? It is a copyrighted holiday on February 20th. People who observe it go outside at noon on that day and wave their hands over their heads and shout "Hoodie Hoo!" The purpose being to chase away winter and usher in spring. I thought that was pretty funny. So on February 20th we all need to celebrate Hoodie Hoo Day with shouts and hand waving....February will not defeat us! It may not improve the weather, or rid us of the dreary overcast days, but it should make us laugh, lift our spirits and help us conquer February....Hoodie Hoo!!

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